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Mr. P Satyam

Sree Sannidhi Dharma Seva Trust

“Sree Sannidhi Dharma Seva Trust ‘’ has been founded by Mr. Satyam.P in the year 2022 with the objective of spreading the basics of spiritual realities and spiritual science to one and all, Involving active members and volunteers across all states in India. Also in twenty other countries, e.g., USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Egypt, South Africa, and others.


“Sree Sannidhi Dharma Seva Trust ‘’ is a non-religious, non-cult, non-for-profit spirituo-scientific organization/movement with an ever-growing expanse of genuine seekers.


The CORE MESSAGE to everyone is that “We are not just physical entities experiencing random existence. Instead, we are `Eternal Energy-Consciousness—Wisdom(ECW) Entities’ .. constantly choosing and creating our own respective on-going existential realities.”

We realize god-hood in us through four simple things :

  • Meditation Through Sanatana Dharma

  • Trying to understand all the Essential Teachings of the world’s Spiritual Masters

  • Being a vegetarian and being compassionate to all our younger brothers i.e., members of the Animal Kingdom.

Activities of Sree Sannidhi Dharma Seva Trust

Mr. Satyam realized the power of meditation through his own profound experiences and attained Enlightenment in the year 2003


Sree sannidhi Dharma Seva Trust is a very significant part of the current worldwide New Age Spiritual Revolution. It is a movement leading humanity from violence to non-violence .. from blind religious beliefs to scientific and spirituo-scientific experimentation and spirituo-scientific logic .. from bankrupt materialism to magnificent Middle Path .. and finally evolving from the animal level of eating to adopting vegetarianism.”


a) Spiritual:

  1. To conserve and protect the places of Spiritual Nature, National Monuments and brought them in to limelight to understand their importance and values to the people.

  2. To take up repairs and renovation works of spiritual places, olden temples and other religious places.

  3. To repair roads and establish necessary arrangements to reach the people to the spiritual places.

  4. To establish, run and manage Yoga and Meditation Centres in order to overcome the physical and mental development of people.

  5. To provide environment and facilities for meditation and spiritual activities in the premises of spiritual places.


b) Educational:

  1. To establish, maintain, run, improve, extend, grant, donations for, and to aid and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running, development, improvement and extension of all kinds of educational institutions, and hostels for the benefit of the students and generally, whether pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher, collegiate, graduate, post-graduate, technical, vocational, professional or of any other description whatsoever, for the welfare and uplift of the general public.

  2. To provide educational consultancy services to the students to join in higher and professional courses in all over India.

  3. To distribute Text books, Note Books, Uniforms, School Bags, Shoes and other educational material to poor and bright students and provide free hostel facility to the poor students.

  4. To awards/ prizes to merit student irrespective of caste, creed, colour and religion.


c) Medical & Health:
To conduct all sorts of heath activities such as Health Camps, Eye Camps, Blood donation Camps, Child Health Camps, School Health Camps, Mobile Medical Care and to encourage Eye donation, Body Donation, and create awareness on Reproduction and Child Health, Immunization and also take up all other health care services, conduct free medical camps to educate people about various preventive measures to be taken up to protect health from contagious diseases, epidemics and pandemics.

d) Youth Empowerment & Livelihood Opportunities:
To establish, run and maintain Vocational Training Institutions, Technical Training Institutions and provide training to unemployed youth and genetically disorder persons in Vocational Skills and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in order to start their self employment units as well as increase the employment opportunities and improve their living standards.

e) Relief of the poor:
To give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of meals for the poor and indigent and to the persons suffer due to natural calamities, manmade disasters, epidemics and pandemics, take up repairs to roads and also help to the destitute aged, widows, street children and orphans.

f) Other objects of general public utility –

  1. To work for the protection and promotion of Environment in the following areas like Climate Change, Municipal Waste and Solid Waste Management, recycling activities, Disaster Mitigation and Management and Drought Relief activities, encourage and trained greenery development and promote eco-tourism and other supporting activities to keepin Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Plantations, Social Forestry, Prevention of Pollution, and safeguard natural heritage etc.

  2. To educate people on Government Schemes and mobilize them for development of downtrodden people in the Society.

  3. To undertake any other activity incidental to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objects.


g) PROVIDED the Trust may assist/ donate the other Trusts and societies to carry out the various objects mentioned in the objects clause in such manner and to the extent, the Trustees may decide upon from time to time.

h) FURTHER PROVIDED that the Trust may undertake and hold such schemes, projects, investments, industry or any other business activity which may generate funds for the trust to implement the objects of the trust.

The Trustees may accept donations, grants, subscriptions, aids or contributions from any person in India or abroad, Government, Local authorities or any other charitable institutions, in cash or in kind including immovable property without any encumbrance, but the Trustees shall not accept any receipt with any condition or terms inconsistent with the objects of the Trusts. While applying such receipts to the objects, the Trustees shall respect the directions, if any, by the granter. Any receipt with specific direction to treat the same as part of the corpus of the Trust or separate fund shall be funded accordingly.



H. No. 63/1, Flat No. 302,

Sri Sai Teja Residency,

Vengala Rao Nagar,

Hyderabad 500038


Tel: +91 40 40054709,

Mobile: 8074767317


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